The Consortium

For more than 60 years the Grana Padano Protection Consortium has been comprising Grana Padano producers, cheese maturers and retailers and has been preserving the original recipe and the high-quality standards recognisable in each and every single cheese wheel produced.
The Grana Padano Protection Consortium was officially established with the Statute created and registered in Lodi on June 18th 1954.
On April 24th 2002, a decree by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry formally acknowledged the Consortium’s role in preserving Grana Padano and its Protected Designation of Origin (in Italian, Denominazione di Origine Protetta or DOP) status; in promoting it, supporting its development and taking care of its interests and in providing correct information to the public.

The Inspiration
The great cultural, historical, socio-economical heritage Grana Padano obtained during its long history, deserved to be recognised, supported and protected. That is why we are here.
The Grana Padano Protection Consortium (Consorzio per la Tutela del Grana Padano) was created out of our passion for the land of our birth. It was established to preserve the heritage brought by experience and expertise handed down from one generation to another. Its aim is clear: to protect this unique, rich knowledge and know-how and to help it grow.
The Statute

The Consortium’s purpose, as set by its Statute, is to protect and promote Grana Padano and its reputation worldwide. Therefore the Consortium carries out all the actions and initiatives it deems fit and appropriate in the interest of Grana Padano PDO, to further its promotion and to increase its market share.

Our Values

In the world we love, our first and main thought goes to the land; to its wonders, and generosity in allowing us to harvest it; to its ability to constantly provide us with new fruits. Our second thought goes to those who benefit from the land through hard work and who care every day of the year for their livestock and fields. Our third thought goes to our ancient and recent history, without which we would not be what we are, nor would we have an identity to pass on to our children. Our fourth thought puts us in the right frame of mind to face every challenge, thanks to the trust we place in our environment and to our effort to slowly, constantly improve, day after day. And then there is our work. Effective, down-to-earth, serious, strong-willed, hard work that makes sure that our aims are turned into concrete actions and tangible facts.

Our Principles

Transparency and fairness have always been among the core principles that guide our management to maintain good relationships within the Consortium and its partners. That is why, in 2010, we decided to adopt an ethical code. Those who are part of the Consortium or deal with it are invited to observe it.

This code embodies our total commitment in adopting a responsible behaviour towards ourselves and the people who work with us, towards the territory where we work, weave relationships, establish agreements and partnerships. As a further proof of our commitment to those principles, we have decided to adopt the “Model 231”.
The aim of “Model 231” is to deliver a model of organisation, management and control capable of preventing crimes such as those formerly listed in the Italian legislative decree no. 231/2001. Such decree contemplates civil liability for collective organisations in case of crimes committed by individuals holding positions of responsibility within such organisations. Crimes from which the aforementioned organisations might profit.
The adoption of “Model 231” also establishes a supervisory committee, whose task is to watch over the compliance with the provisions of “Model 231”.

Model 231’s purpose is to avert unethical conducts in the management of the Consortium and its activities, conducts which might compromise the fundamental, trustworthy relationship between the Consortium itself and those who deal with it on a regular basis: its associates, consumers, the operators involved in the various stages of the Grana Padano production and distribution chain, the local communities in the area of production where Grana Padano is being produced.

The Ethical Code is a set of principles and rules aimed at clarifying the values that should inform a fair, effective management of the Consortium, its actions and activities, its socio-ethical responsibilities.
The purpose of the Ethical Code is to increase the trust in the conduct of the Consortium and to promote a model of organisation, management and control which should deter any kind of illicit behaviour.



Renato Zaghini


Attilio Zanetti

Deputy Vice President

Giacomo Fugazza

Vice President

Valter Giacomelli


Emanuele Attanasio

Member of the Board

Antonio Auricchio

Member of the Board

Federico Barbi

Member of the Board


Gianni Bergamin

Member of the Board

Gianmaria Bettoni

Member of the Board

Paolo Boldini

Member of the Board


Francesco Saverio Borgo

Member of the Board


Tiziano Campagnari

Member of the Board

Paolo Cattaruzzi

Member of the Board

Giorgio Cecchin

Member of the Board

Laura Maria Ferrari

Member of the Board


Cinzia Ferretti

Member of the Board


Fiorenzo Finco

Member of the Board

Tiziano Fusar Poli

Member of the Board


Riccardo Ghidetti

Member of the Board

Gabriele Gorni Silvestrini

Member of the Board

Giovanni Guarneri

Member of the Board

Michele Miotto

Member of the Board

Nisio Paganin

Member of the Board

Giancarlo Pedretti

Member of the Board

Stefano Pezzini

Member of the Board

Luigi Giovanni Sala

Member of the Board

Libero Stradiotti

Member of the Board

Francesco Landriscina


Marco Bianchi

Full Member

Lucio Leoni

Full Member

Aldina Boldini

Deputy Member

Giorgio Angelo Fontana

Deputy Member


Stefano Berni

Managing Director


Roberto Schiavello

Administrative Director