Soc. Agricola F.lli De Cao S.S.

T: 0376 648090 | F: 0376 648090

Via Brasiglia, 325
46030 – Romanore di Borgo Virgilio (MN)
The Fratelli De Cao Agricultural Company began in 1965 as a pig farm, dairy farm and Grana Padano producer, and about a decade later grew to include a shop that offers its customers many premium quality food products, guaranteed by the pillars of the company: Giuseppe and Giovanni.

Here, too, as in other area farms, dairy cattle are raised alongside pigs. Having the two animals together optimises production processes, through whey disposal given to the pigs, as was done in the past.

Six wheels of Grana Padano PDO are made here daily using the greatest care and entirely artisanal techniques and equipment; the milk, for example, is still placed in basins to allow the cream to rise to the top, and the cheese is still formed in round wooden moulds.

Brothers Giovanni and Giuseppe De Cao’s small shop guarantees that area residents are always sure to find a Grana Padano PDO Riserva, aged for more than 20 months, as well as the other delicious local products mentioned above.