Latteria Soresina S.C.A.

T: 0374 349111 | F: 0374 349299

Via dei Mille, 13/17
26015 – Soresina (CR)
Dairy Number: CR117
Via dei Mille, 13/17 | 26015 – Soresina (CR)
Dairy Number: BS655
Via Castellana, 1/A | 23032 Chiari (BS)
Dairy Number: CR103
Frazione Forcello | 26049 Stagno Lombardo (CR)
Dairy Number: CR122
Via Roma, 44 | 26034 Piadena (CR)

Their clear-sightedness and financial means led them to set up the Latteria Soresinese dairy, with the legal status of a cooperative, in which they invested the capital required for their milk to be turned into dairy products.
They entrusted the venture to a man of great stature, clarity of purpose and a shrewd administrator, Mr. Antonio Landriani.
The cooperative became operational on 11 November 1900. The 91 members bought 2,918 shares, each with a value of 50 Italian lire, the present-day equivalent of about €1,600, for a total share capital of 145,900 Italian lire, currently equivalent to €4,650.

During the two world wars, Latteria Soresinese drastically reduced its production for the traditional consumer market in order to supply cheese and sterilized milk to the Italian armed forces as well as hospitals and larger cities. These decisions were taken out of responsiveness to the needs of those sections of the country engaged in war and of the civilian population, at the expense of the market.
After the end of the Second World War, Latteria Soresinese resumed production with determination, targeting its traditional consumer outlets once again, while strengthening its position within the Italian dairy industry and boosting its industrial and commercial organization.
Continuous and significant efforts were made to expand, in order to manage larger milk supplies and increase production through the creation of new plant facilities with new equipment and new storehouses.

The President of Soresina Tiziano Fusar Poli, who has taken us through the history of the dairy, concludes with these words: “Our century-old history is a testimony to the fact that the widely recognized strength of Latteria Soresina lies in its solid tradition and in the excellence of its typical products, which in turn is made possible by increasingly modern and efficient production facilities and by the smart efforts of its members to supply superior quality raw materials to the cooperative.”

“The oddest questions I’ve been asked are definitely:
Why is it so big?
Can you make it smaller?
And more than once, after spending a lot of time describing the distinctive features of Grana Padano, people turned around and asked me: ‘So this is Parmesan cheese?!’”
As a travel enthusiast, one of the most amusing episodes that has ever happened to him was when he walked into the only tiny shop in Illulissat, a small town in western Greenland, and found 2 vacuum-packed wedges of Grana Padano!! …sadly, though, they were produced by a competitor!!