Caseificio Sociale Ballottara S.C.A.

Via Bugno, 2550
45032 – Bergantino (RO)

Cheesemaking in the Valentino family began well before the business that now operates in Bergantino, on the Veronese mountains, where it originated. In fact, the Ballottara cheese factory was active from 1963 to 1982. After being closed for nearly seven years, the farm was started up again in 1988, and finally in 1996, after obtaining the necessary authorisations to rebuild, Valentino was finally able to re-open the cheese factory. Today, the Ballottara factory processes 200,000 litres of milk a day.

The setting is lovely: everyone seated around a table made of stone from the Lessinia mountains, set under a wooden canopy in the park in front of the cheesemaking building.

The dairy does not have a shop but, thanks to Girolibero, many people have the chance to taste this truly unique Grana Padano PDO.
They arrive by bike around 10 AM accompanied by Fabio from Girolibero. The group that arrives is a large family from California: three generations travelling to discover 1000 years of history.
Matteo is very young, but despite his age he is very precise and professional in demonstrating in detail all the stages of the Grana Padano production and the meaning of PDO for this extraordinary product.

Valentino reminds us that working in a cheese factory means marrying a lifestyle, because production never stops, not even when a tornado damages the roof of the maturing storehouse.
And this also is part of the history, a story to share so people can understand the strength of the members of the Grana Padano PDO Consortium.