Ghidetti Srl

Via Vivaldi, 201
37050 – Isola Rizza (VR)

In addition to the Isola Rizza dairy, the Ghidetti cousins opened a retail outlet in Villafontana, a village a few miles from the main headquarters, where customers are able to find all their cheese production and more.

The milk used to produce Grana Padano comes from farms located in the provinces of Mantua and Verona. With the milk collected, the Ghidetti dairy produces nearly 17 thousand cheese wheels a year.
The dairy is also an active exporter, and has trade relations with most European countries, and Germany in particular, but also with non-EU countries like Canada and Australia, which mostly demand Grana Padano PDO.

They have recently launched interesting collaborations with local farms aimed at improving the cows’ feed, thus improving animal welfare, as well the quality of the milk.