Pasta Alfredo
4 people
Alfredo was a genius
I am not going to be sitting here telling you the story of how and when Alfredo di Lelio created this simple yet glorious recipe of fettuccine in Rome back in the 1908, and I am also not going to argue with the fact that Americans turned it into a world-wide phenomenon often twisted with unnecessary ingredients.
But what I will do, is invite you to try it with me, making fettuccine from scratch and creating the most delicious and rich dressing using only butter and Grana Padano cheese, with no shortcuts, as there is really no need for any.
Chef’s tip: simple recipes can be tricky, there is nowhere to hide possible mistakes. Here the key step is the final ‘mantecatura’ of the pasta with the grated Grana Padano, butter and the hot pasta water and the secret lies all on the temperature. Remember to turn off the heat of the water and to allow it to cool 1 minute before starting or the strong heat could split the cheese.
- 70 g of unsalted butter
- 200 g finely grated Grana Padano Riserva, Aged Over 20 months
- Salt and pepper to taste
- For the pasta
- 350 g 00 flour (or all-purpose/plain flour)
- 150 g semola rimacinata aka durum wheat flour (or all-purpose/plain flour)
- 2 eggs (about 110 g)
- 8 egg yolks (about 180 g)
- Extra flour for dusting