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    Grana Padano soft polenta and wild mushrooms

    4 per.
    Francesco Mazzei

    This recipe calls for a fine stone-ground polenta that has been slowly simmered in stock for at least 45 minutes. It is the slow absorption that gives the polenta its irresistible buttery texture. I add Grana Padano Riserva 24 months to enhance its richness and serve it topped with stewed wild mushrooms for comfort on a cold rainy day.


    • For the polenta:
    • 700ml chicken stock
    • 150g good quality polenta
    • 20g butter
    • 50g Grana Padano Riserva 24 months
    • For the mushrooms:
    • 2 tbsp olive oil
    • 300g assorted wild mushrooms
    • 20g griotte onion, thickly sliced
    • 3 tbsp veal gravy or left-over roast gravy
    • 2g each parsley and sage, roughly chopped
    • Salt and freshly ground black pepper



    STEP 1

    Mix the stock and polenta in a saucepan and slowly bring to a simmer, whisking occasionally. Simmer very gently for at least 45 minutes, whisking from time to time then more frequently towards the end of cooking. Add the butter and Grana Padano, adjust seasoning according of the saltiness of your stock.

    STEP 2

    When ready, the polenta should be very liquid, soft and silky.
    Using a soft brush, wipe the dirt from the mushrooms, trim the ends and roughly chop the larger ones.

    STEP 3

    When the polenta is almost ready, pan-fry the mushrooms in batches, according to their individual cooking time. Set aside on a plate while you cook the next batch. When all the mushrooms have been cooked, pan-fry the onion slices for a couple of minutes.

    STEP 4

    Add the mushrooms back into the pan, along with the gravy and herbs. Season well and cook for about a minute, just enough to reheat the mushrooms and coat them with the sauce.
    Spoon some polenta on a serving plate and top with the mushrooms and juices.