Home < Serving suggestions < Lunch on the go < Salad of Figs, Lamb’s Lettuce, Prosciutto and Grana Padano PDO Like Liked by 6 Share Grana PadanoSalads Salad of Figs, Lamb’s Lettuce, Prosciutto and Grana Padano PDO Easy 4 people 10 min Ingredients 150 g lamb’s lettuce, 100 g Grana Padano PDO in shavings, 8 figs, 2 fennel bulbs, 200 g prosciutto, extra virgin olive oil, salt, pepper. Preparation STEP 1 Wash and dry the salad and place it in a large bowl. STEP 2 Add the figs cut into quarters, sliced fennel and prosciutto. STEP 3 Dress with extra virgin olive oil and mix, season with salt and serve with a freshly ground black pepper, garnishing with shavings of Grana Padano. Related recipes Medium4 people45 min Basmati rice burger with chunks of lemon chicken, mixed leaf salad and Grana Padano Riserva shavings Easy4 people30 min + 12 h Fresh tuna sandwich with Grana Padano and grilled courgettes Medium6 people80 min Tomato Sauce Rice Bake, with Pea and sausage Ragù and Grana Padano Easy4 people45 min Asparagus and Grana Padano Riserva Flan DISCOVER ALL THE RECIPES