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    Mint mojito, whole wheat “freiselle with cherry tomatoes, pesto and Grana Padano Riserva

    4 per.
    T230 min

    Lactose free


    • 6 whole wheat friselle (Apulian twice-baked bread) or use well toasted whole-wheat English muffins
    • 500 g cherry tomatoes
    • 150 g Grana Padano Riserva
    • 50 g fresh basil
    • 15 g pine nuts
    • extra virgin olive oil
    • 1 garlic clove
    • salt
    • pepper


    STEP 1

    Make the pesto: using a mortar and pestle, crush the garlic into a paste, add the basil leaves and continue to crush well.

    STEP 2

    When the basil begins to release its liquid, add the pine nuts and continue to crush until the mixture is creamy.

    STEP 3

    Add 100 g of finely grated Grana Padano Riserva and 100 ml of olive oil to the mixture, blending all the ingredients well and seasoning with salt.

    STEP 4

    Cut the cherry tomatoes and quickly run the friselle under running water.

    STEP 5

    Garnish each frisella with a tablespoon of pesto, add the fresh cherry tomatoes and Grana Padano Riserva shavings, and season with a drizzle of olive oil and some pepper.
    Serve immediately.

    Mint Mojito


    • 50 ml white rum,
    • 3 teaspoons cane sugar,
    • 1 lime,
    • 1 bunch mint,
    • sparkling water,
    • ice.


    STEP 1

    Put 5-6 leaves of mint into a tall tumbler, add the cane sugar and crush well using a pestle.

    STEP 2

    Add the lime juice and ice, then pour in the rum and a splash of sparkling water. Serve the mojito immediately, garnished with mint leaves.