A new year of taste


2025 we want it to taste even better! That's why, instead of the usual resolutions that are difficult to keep, we offer you the only one that never disappoints: the healthy taste of Grana Padano. Throughout the month of January we will be sharing hints, ideas and tips to get the New Year off to the best possible start.

2025 we want it to taste even better! That's why, instead of the usual resolutions that are difficult to keep, we offer you the only one that never disappoints: the healthy taste of Grana Padano. Throughout the month of January we will be sharing hints, ideas and tips to get the New Year off to the best possible start.

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Paradise is not so far away: all it takes is a pinch of Grana Padano and the right company to turn an ordinary day into something memorable. And we have just the right recipe: non-alcoholic kiwi and ginger ale cocktail paired with a pita filled with turnip greens, chicken and Grana Padano cheese.

Paradise is not so far away: all it takes is a pinch of Grana Padano and the right company to turn an ordinary day into something memorable. And we have just the right recipe: non-alcoholic kiwi and ginger ale cocktail paired with a pita filled with turnip greens, chicken and Grana Padano cheese.

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After a long day at the office, the idea of going to the gym can seem like a mission impossible. But to regain energy and lightness, you can start at the table! Try this Salad of chickpeas, kale, apples, Grana Padano flakes and mixed seeds: an explosion of taste and well-being to pamper yourself without giving up.

After a long day at the office, the idea of going to the gym can seem like a mission impossible. But to regain energy and lightness, you can start at the table! Try this Salad of chickpeas, kale, apples, Grana Padano flakes and mixed seeds: an explosion of taste and well-being to pamper yourself without giving up.

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This resolution is one of the most popular! We know there are many ways to travel. One of them? The senses! We start our journey from the Far East with a Mediterranean ramen: noodles, mushroom broth, soft egg, black cabbage and Grana Padano PDO Reserve. One taste and you'll feel like you're already in Tokyo.

This resolution is one of the most popular! We know there are many ways to travel. One of them? The senses! We start our journey from the Far East with a Mediterranean ramen: noodles, mushroom broth, soft egg, black cabbage and Grana Padano PDO Reserve. One taste and you'll feel like you're already in Tokyo.

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42 sweaty kilometres, for which you prepare for months or years: the New York City Marathon is no child's play. If crossing the finish line in Central Park is not possible this year, you can always make it to the credits of your favourite film series, preferably in the company of your friends and some potato chips and Grana Padano cheese, what more could you want?

42 sweaty kilometres, for which you prepare for months or years: the New York City Marathon is no child's play. If crossing the finish line in Central Park is not possible this year, you can always make it to the credits of your favourite film series, preferably in the company of your friends and some potato chips and Grana Padano cheese, what more could you want?

Finding THE person is the dream of many, but if it doesn't happen, there is always a safe place to find your soul mate: the table. The encounter between Grana Padano PDO and honey never disappoints. Like any close-knit couple, this pairing finds its strength in the differences: sweet and savoury, for a perfect marriage.

Finding THE person is the dream of many, but if it doesn't happen, there is always a safe place to find your soul mate: the table. The encounter between Grana Padano PDO and honey never disappoints. Like any close-knit couple, this pairing finds its strength in the differences: sweet and savoury, for a perfect marriage.

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In the daily hustle and bustle, finding stability seems like a challenge. Sometimes it seems easier to do a handstand than to balance everything. But there is one place where harmony is guaranteed: on the table. With Grana Padano PDO, the perfect companion for balanced, healthy and naturally lactose-free dishes, every moment can turn into a moment of balance.

In the daily hustle and bustle, finding stability seems like a challenge. Sometimes it seems easier to do a handstand than to balance everything. But there is one place where harmony is guaranteed: on the table. With Grana Padano PDO, the perfect companion for balanced, healthy and naturally lactose-free dishes, every moment can turn into a moment of balance.

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How to maintain a good mood even in the most difficult situations, such as Blue Monday? For us, the answer is simple: all it takes is a good dish to turn every sulk into a smile. Like the recipe we propose today, beef meatballs with Grana Padano PDO, perfect to lift your mood immediately!

How to maintain a good mood even in the most difficult situations, such as Blue Monday? For us, the answer is simple: all it takes is a good dish to turn every sulk into a smile. Like the recipe we propose today, beef meatballs with Grana Padano PDO, perfect to lift your mood immediately!

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An award like this doesn't go unnoticed, but if you have to forgo the Nobel Prize again this year, we recommend gratifying your palate with a delicious sandwich with bean burger and Grana Padano PDO, to be savoured like any good success: slowly and with gusto.

An award like this doesn't go unnoticed, but if you have to forgo the Nobel Prize again this year, we recommend gratifying your palate with a delicious sandwich with bean burger and Grana Padano PDO, to be savoured like any good success: slowly and with gusto.

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Tra parenti curiosi e qualche domanda di troppo, le feste di Natale hanno sempre quel sapore di famiglia, in ogni senso del termine. Non vi preoccupate, basta una scaglia di Grana Padano DOP per riprendere fiato.

Vuoi sapere cosa rende unico il nostro Grana Padano DOP? Scopri gli ingredienti, le stagionature e tanti consigli per gustarlo al meglio.

Tra parenti curiosi e qualche domanda di troppo, le feste di Natale hanno sempre quel sapore di famiglia, in ogni senso del termine. Non vi preoccupate, basta una scaglia di Grana Padano DOP per riprendere fiato.

Vuoi sapere cosa rende unico il nostro Grana Padano DOP? Scopri gli ingredienti, le stagionature e tanti consigli per gustarlo al meglio.

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Perfetti da condividere con chi amiamo di più, questi cocktail analcolici di melograno e sambuco, abbinati a delle mini sbrisolone con carote, Grana Padano DOP e pinoli, sono l’ideale per sorprendere tutti durante le feste.

Vuoi scoprire tutti i passaggi della ricetta? Preparala con noi, passo dopo passo.

Perfetti da condividere con chi amiamo di più, questi cocktail analcolici di melograno e sambuco, abbinati a delle mini sbrisolone con carote, Grana Padano DOP e pinoli, sono l’ideale per sorprendere tutti durante le feste.

Vuoi scoprire tutti i passaggi della ricetta? Preparala con noi, passo dopo passo.

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Santa Lucia è festeggiata in diverse parti d’Italia, ma la tradizione di cui vi andiamo a parlare riguarda principalmente il nord Italia. La sera del 12 dicembre si lasciano le offerte per Santa Lucia e il suo asino, al mattino i bambini si sveglieranno con doni e caramelle

Ecco tanti consigli per preparare lo spuntino perfetto per la notte di Santa Lucia, da gustare anche tu mentre aspetti questa notte speciale.

Santa Lucia è festeggiata in diverse parti d’Italia, ma la tradizione di cui vi andiamo a parlare riguarda principalmente il nord Italia. La sera del 12 dicembre si lasciano le offerte per Santa Lucia e il suo asino, al mattino i bambini si sveglieranno con doni e caramelle.

Ecco tanti consigli per preparare lo spuntino perfetto per la notte di Santa Lucia, da gustare anche tu mentre aspetti questa notte speciale.

Discover the recipes


Fusilli con zucchine, ricotta, menta
e Grana Padano


Involtini di zucchine, scamorza, prosciutto cotto e Grana Padano

Tramezzini di pane integrale con cavolo viola marinato, crema al Grana Padano con erba cipollina, affettato di tacchino, insalata, cetriolini e scaglie di Grana Padano

Panini morbidi al latte con prosciutto crudo, insalata e Grana Padano Riserva


Mojito alla menta, freselle integrali pomodorini, pesto e Grana Padano Riserva


Involtini di zucchine, scamorza, prosciutto cotto e Grana Padano


Cupcakes salati alla zucca e Grana Padano


Potato chips and Grana Padano cheese

Risotto funghi e zafferano

Pumpkin cream soup with croutons, roasted chickpeas, rosemary, and Grana Padano


Non-alcoholic kiwi cocktail, pita with turnip tops, chicken and Grana Padano cheese

Tramezzini di pane integrale con cavolo viola marinato, crema al Grana Padano con erba cipollina, affettato di tacchino, insalata, cetriolini e scaglie di Grana Padano

Battuta Fassona beef with Grana Padano flakes


Pizza with Grana Padano, cherry tomatoes, rocket, anchovies and capers

Tramezzini di pane integrale con cavolo viola marinato, crema al Grana Padano con erba cipollina, affettato di tacchino, insalata, cetriolini e scaglie di Grana Padano

Friselle with Grana Padano, pears, almonds and honey