Grana Padano PDO “Riserva” aged 20-24 months


Grana Padano PDO “Riserva” aged 20-24 months and Balsamic Vinegar of Modena PGI 5 seals

Grana Padano PDO “Riserva” 20-24 months is an evolved and mature cheese that has fully developed its aromas, which are complex but always very balanced. From a taste-olfactory point of view, the product has a medium-high overall intensity. The lactic notes – present in the fresher types – increasingly give way to animal notes of meat broth, cooked vegetables and hints of dried fruit, especially walnut. On the palate, sweetness and acidity are almost absent while a medium to medium-high sapidity emerges. A pleasant, slight hint of spiciness can be appreciated on the sides of the mouth. The presence of numerous tyrosine crystals and small ‘spheres’ of lactate, evenly distributed throughout the paste, are a sign of medium-high ripening. The ripening process naturally removes moisture from the product, which is more crumbly and grainy to the eye and in the mouth; it induces moderate salivation, making it easier to melt in the mouth.

We suggest pairing this type of Grana Padano with a Balsamic Vinegar of Modena characterised by a full-bodied sweetness that is well integrated with the freshness of the acid component, and a velvety texture capable of highlighting the product’s full, round mouth feel and enhancing the intensity of its tastes and aromas. A product that leans towards different, but still dynamic and crisp, tertiary aromas in which spicy and roasted notes are blended with those of cooked must and dried, candied fruit. We recommend a Balsamic Vinegar of Modena characterised, again, by high density, a full body, a velvety texture, and a prolonged persistence. One that can transform the mouth into a laboratory of both balanced and individual tactile and taste-olfactory sensations, capable of attracting attention and arousing the interest and wonder of the taster.
The Balsamic Vinegar of Modena that we suggest in combination is well identified in the Consortium Profile system with 5 seals.